ICSTI Partner Organizations
ICSTI is committed to building and sustaining partnerships with organizations which have complementary objectives and resources. For more information on reciprocal benefits between ICSTI and our partner organizations, please contact the ICSTI Secretariat.

ICSTI and CENDI announced a partnership agreement in 2009 which recognizes the combined interests and concerns of the U.S. federal STI community and ICSTI's international members. The partnership supports the common mission of both organizations to provide their respective members with opportunities to share expertise.

ICSTI and GreyNet signed a partnership agreement in 2009. The partnership offers ICSTI and GreyNet members opportunities to collaborate on technical projects and policy issues as well as grant/tender opportunities. Members of both organizations further benefit from reciprocal links to web materials and discounted rates at conferences and workshops.
International Science Council (ISC)
ICSTI is an affiliated member of the ISC. Working with the ISC and CODATA, ICSTI has developed close working relationships with practicing research scientists and science decision makers and positioned itself at the forefront of changes in the information seeking, sharing and usage behaviors of research scientists.
Research Data Alliance (RDA)

A memorandum of understanding between ICSTI and RDA was signed in 2016 to promote opportunities for collaboration and the undertaking of joint activities between ICSTI and RDA members. The memorandum enables ICSTI to participate in RDA Council, Organizational Assembly, and Plenary meetings, and it also opens RDA Interest and Working Groups to ICSTI member representatives.