Video Library
Explore ICSTI's collection of virtual event recordings, including presentations from our members and from invited guest speakers. Videos from ICSTI-exclusive events are hosted by ICSTI member TIB on their A/V Portal.
Designing Researchmap: A Revolutionary Scholar Support Platform Achieved Through Human-AI Collaboration
Professor Noriko Arai of the National Institute of Informatics discusses Researchmap, a Japanese researcher's directory which is powered by AI. ICSTI member JST operates Researchmap, which registers 350,000 researchers and suggests results using AI.
Transformative Trends: AI's Impact on Scholarly Communication
In this presentation, Andrew Bostjancic of Taylor and Francis publishing group will evaluate AI's impact on academic publishing. It will provide an overview of policies that Taylor and Francis is grappling with and their potential impact on the scholarly ecosystem.
Sourcing Data for Artificial Intelligence: Advancements to separate the ready from the rubbish at the World Data System
In this presentation, Reyna Jenkyns of World Data System highlights the outcomes of AI-related sessions during the recent International Data Week 2023 in Salzburg, Austria (co-organized by the WDS, the International Science Council's Committee on Data (CODATA), and the Research Data Alliance. Next, she presents emerging plans for a collaborative effort that the WDS-ITO is embarking on with the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP).
Plan S and cOAlition S: An Integrated Set of Policies for Full and Immediate Open Access
Johan Rooryck, executive director of cOAlition S, presented an overview of the principles, policies, tools, services, and projects that cOAlition S has aligned on to ensure that peer-reviewed research results funded by its 28 member organizations are published in full and immediate Open Access with a CC BY license.
Open Science Policy: Challenges and Lessons
Dr. Nokuthula Mchunu, deputy director of the African Open Science Platform, discussed South African Open Science policy development, and shared insights into the challenges of developing and implementing Open Science policies and infrastructure in Africa.
Towards an Open Scholarly Communications Infrastructure for Scientists Based on ChinaXiv Preprint Service
Dr. Zhang Zhixiong, vice director of the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a presentation detailing the ChinaXiv preprint platform, which has popularized the concept of open preprint communication in China in the years since its launch in 2016. Dr. Zhang described the role of ChinaXiv in both helping research institutions build an Open Science infrastructure in their fields and helping scientific journals turn from the traditional closed model toward a more open and transparent model.
Fostering a FAIR and OPEN Data Community – A USGS Approach to Building Our Data and Information Management Knowledge Base
Vivian Hutchison, science data management branch chief at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) focused on the USGS's approach to data governance in a widely distributed organization in this presentation. She covered steps USGS has been taking to adopt FAIR principles and build community around data tools.
Open Data and Open Science: Opportunities for Strategic Alignment
Suthee (Peck) Sangiambut, senior advisor to the Open Data Charter, unpacked distinctions between the Open Data and Open Science movements in this presentation, and highlighted opportunities to bridge the two communities and find strategic alignment.
The Federal Open Science Repository of Canada (FOSRC): A Key Destination on Canada's Roadmap to Open Science
Renee Venne, acting director of library and information management services at the National Research Council – Canada, outlined how the Government of Canada is addressing scientific research infrastructure needs through the development of the FOSRC, which will serve as a shared repository making federally funded scientific outputs accessible to all.
Realising the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), 2022
Ron Dekker, project leader of the EOSC Future program at Technopolis Group Belgium gave a presentation on the components of the EOSC, a web of research data and related services. He also shared some of the technical, organizational, and governance challenges of the EOSC.
Japan's Open Science Policies, 2022
Dr. Shinichi Akaike, director for evidence-based policy making and integrated strategy in the Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy of the Cabinet Office of Japan, shared a presentation covering Japan's efforts to develop platforms and institutional measures for Open Science in accord with Japan's 6th Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan, which was enacted in 2021.
Challenges and Opportunities of Harvesting Open Access Materials, 2022
Brian Bales, coordinator of the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), delivered a presentation on the challenges and opportunities inherent to open access (OA) data harvesting. Thanks to OA standards such as FAIRsFAIR, PlanS, and OpenAire, growing numbers of publishers and repositories have created interfaces to support the automated harvesting of OA data. Brian shared his experience and perspective as someone who has been involved in both providing data for harvesting in past roles and harvesting data for the benefit of INIS's collections.
The Göttingen eResearch Alliance, 2022
Timo Henne, operations manager for the eResearch Alliance (eRA) at the State and University Library Göttingen (SUB), presented an overview of the eRA and the services it provides to the Göttingen research community at the June 2022 ICSTI Connections session. The presentation served as the catalyst for a discussion of research data services amongst the ICSTI members in attendance.
From Papers to Knowledge: Representing Scholarly Contributions in the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), 2022
Dr. Oliver Karras, data scientist at TIB – Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology, shared a presentation on the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) at the April 2022 ICSTI Exchanges event on data visualization and knowledge representation. The ORKG is a tool that structures scholarly knowledge such as publications into a graph form, making it both human- and machine-actionable, which fosters collaboration and interdisciplinarity and makes research FAIR.
Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, 2022
Dr. David Meza, senior data scientist at NASA provided an overview of his creation of the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Tasks, and Technology (KSATT) knowledge graph for NASA at the April 2022 ICSTI Exchanges event on data visualization and knowledge representation. The KSATT graph uses visualizations to help provide insights into the existing knowledge, skills, and competencies of NASA's workforce, and gaps in the same that can be filled through training or new hires.
Visualization in Machine Learning, 2022
Dr. Min Chen, professor of scientific visualization at the University of Oxford's Department of Engineering Science, shared a presentation on recent developments in visualization techniques for machine learning and the information-theoretical reasoning for using visualizations in machine learning workflows at the April 2022 ICSTI Exchanges event on data visualization and knowledge representation.
AI-aided Diagnosis and Deep Learning Imaging in Medicine, 2022
Dr. Kenji Suzuki, professor and director of Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Research Unit at the Tokyo Institute of Technology's Institute of Innovative Research, presented his work on AI-aided diagnosis and deep learning imaging in medicine at the January 2022 ICSTI Exchanges event on artificial intelligence and machine learning use cases.
AI and Science Communication, 2022
Dr. George Tsatsaronis and Dr. Marius Doornenbal, vice president of data science, research content operations, and distinguished engineer, respectively, at Elsevier, shared an overview of Elsevier's use of artificial intelligence to support science communication at the January 2022 ICSTI Exchanges event on artificial intelligence and machine learning use cases. The presentation included a closer look at Elsevier's free topic pages product as well as work to extract and link funding information.
Semantic Scholar, 2022
Alex Wade, director of strategic partnerships at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), shared details on the creation and functionality of Semantic Scholar, an AI-driven platform for scientific discovery communication at the January 2022 ICSTI Exchanges event on artificial intelligence and machine learning use cases.
Pandemic Implications for the Future of Scientific Communication & Collaboration, 2021
In collaboration with FORCE11 and other groups, ICSTI helped to organize the FORCE2021: Joining Forces to Advance the Future of Scholarly Communications virtual conference. ICSTI invited Dr. Anindita Bhadra, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of International Outreach at IISER Kolkata, to give the final keynote presentation. In her keynote, Dr. Bhadra discussed the impact and future implications of pandemic-driven changes on researchers and their communication and collaboration practices.
We encourage you to explore all of the FORCE2021 conference recordings, including keynotes from Dr. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle of UNESCO and Dr. Leslie Chan of the University of Toronto Scarborough, as well as panel and deep dive sessions on topics such as open infrastructure governance, research data publication ethics, bibliodiversity, and more.
DataON - National Research Data Platform for Open Science in Korea, 2021
Sungho Shin, principal researcher and head of the DataON Development Team at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), overviewed the development and functionality of the DataON platform in a presentation to ICSTI members at ICSTI's 2021 General Assembly Members' Fair on Open Data.
Interoperabling ISSN Data, 2021
Dr. Gaëlle Béquet, director of the ISSN International Centre, shared an inside look at the ISSN network and ISSN portal with a focus on efforts to enhance ISSN data quality through interoperability in a presentation to ICSTI members at ICSTI's 2021 General Assembly Members' Fair on Open Data.
NFDI National Research Data Infrastructure, 2021
Dr. Oliver Koepler, head of lab linked scientific knowledge at TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library, detailed the motivation, challenges, and vision behind the ongoing development of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in a presentation to ICSTI members at ICSTI's 2021 General Assembly Members' Fair on Open Data.
Open Science in the Canadian Federal Government, 2021
Alex Freeland, director of information management and library services at National Research Council Canada (NRC), shared an inside look at the drivers and development of open science policies in the Canadian federal government in a presentation to ICSTI members at ICSTI's 2021 General Assembly Members' Fair on Open Data.